Project Initiation

Project Initiation

Before a project is initiated, an owner/operator decides they need to make changes to their current location/building or relocate but doesn't know how to get started. ViTe will create your custom organization tool to address needs and sequencing of activities that ensure the owner's best interests are being addressed.

So what happens at the project initiation? After our initial meeting to determine your needs, we begin the process of finding the right solutions or space to accommodate those needs.

We will do an exhaustive due diligence in the following areas:

  • Real Estate Research
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Test Fits
  • Site or Building Options
  • Assist Owner in making decision to utilize current space, expand current facility, relocate, or build new
  • Identify architects and contractors as applicable

There are so many factors and so much education that go into designing, upfitting, outfitting, or constructing a new space. To expect an owner to do all of this and manage their business is a herculean task, which is where ViTe can help. To learn more, call us directly at 864.918.2571.